Deepfake Technology Used to Fool Employees into Transferring Funds to Criminals
The newest cyber and financial fraud threat facing businesses is deepfake technology, which criminals are using to extract money from unsuspecting accounts payable personnel. A finance worker at a multinational company in Hong Kong was duped into transferring $25...
Is Your Business Doing Enough to Prevent Workplace Violence?
Violence in the workplace is a growing problem for which many U.S. employers are unprepared. Business owners may believe that their workforces are like families and that a violent outburst could never happen at work. They may also think that they have adequate...
Your Cheat Sheet for International Roadcheck
The 2024 International Roadcheck — a high-visibility, high-volume inspection and enforcement effort conducted by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance — is slated for May 14-16.During this annual three-day event, CVSA-certified inspectors fan out across the United...
How to Prevent Silica Exposure in Construction
There are a number of construction segments that are exposed to crystalline silica, which can cause silicosis and even death.Workers who typically have the largest exposure to silica include those in:Cement and concrete or stucco operations,Abrasive blasting,Jack...
Return-to-Work Programs Can Keep Workers’ Comp Claim Costs Down
One of the proven ways to reduce the cost of a workers' comp claim is to get the injured worker back on the job whenever it is safe to do so. Preferably, employers should offer some type of modified work duty if they are still recovering from their injury and if that...
8 Forklift Mishaps and How to Avoid Them
Forklift trucks can be dangerous if they are not operated with care, and it is essential that employees who drive them adhere to safe standards of operation. According to the National Safety Council, forklifts were the source of 73 work-related deaths in 2022 in the...
Home Hardening That Can Earn You Premium Discounts
Under regulations implemented by the California Department of Insurance in 2022, insurers, when pricing policies, are now required to take into account homeowners' efforts to harden their properties as well as local communities' efforts to reduce their overall...
New Test Ranks Top 10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds
One scenario a pet owner dreads is if their pooch suddenly lashes out and bites someone. A bite can come outside the home or if you have people visiting, and it can become a liability for you if it's a serious bite. Many insurance companies won't insure your home if...
Interactive Dashboards, the Newest Source of Distracted Driving
Safety experts are raising concerns about the latest evolving distraction in cars: the interactive dashboard. You already know that fiddling with your smartphone while driving is illegal, highly dangerous and can lead to a serious accident or death. These evolving...
Avoid Falling Victim to the Staged Car Crash Scam
The staged car accident scam is growing as perpetrators are getting craftier about entrapping unsuspecting motorists. Scammers usually meticulously plan their staged car accidents, leaving nothing to chance. They practice until they get it right and even if you can...
Belong to a Homeowners’ Association? Know Your Insurance Obligations
If you reside in a community that's part of a homeowners' association (HOA), you should understand what the association's insurance obligations are relative to your own to avoid any coverage gaps between your insurance and that of the association. HOA rules usually...
Own a Condo? Make Sure You Have the Right Insurance Policy
Knowing what type of insurance you need if you live in a condominium can be confusing. After all, while you own your unit and everything inside its walls, you obviously are not required to insure the entire building, which you don't own. It's important that you secure...